How can cocoa production be sustainable?

Due to globalization and consumer awareness, sustainability in the food production chain has become a basic requirement. The cocoa industry strives to meet the huge demand that is now more focused than ever on the adoption of good farming methods and responsible management of natural resources. Sustainable cocoa production is based on quality guidelines and standards, and is characterized by production, environmental and social benefits.

A good sustainability plan provides a series of tools, training and guidelines for large and small producers. In this way, consumers’ commitment to environmental protection, proper land use and fair economic recognition of farmers and communities involved in the production process is fulfilled.

Through international certifications, many organizations monitor and ensure the sustainability of crops. In this way, organizations such as Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, Organic and UTZ, make possible the production of a pure grain that faithfully follows good cultivation practices and differs significantly from a market dominated by the exploitation of soils and communities.

Segregation and traceability of cocoa beans are strongly aligned

The separation or segregation of cocoa is a process that takes place after harvesting additionally, it consists of separating the cocoa beans according to their quality and characteristics, also to find their origin (where the cocoa came from) and where it went to (container registration). During the separation process, the cocoa beans are classified according […]

GrandSur International cocoa market during the pandemic
International cocoa market during the pandemic

Cocoa, like other commodities traded on international markets, experienced significant variations during the pandemic. Consumption rose during the pandemic, even though markets were expecting a demand contraction on the consumer side. Chocolate, one of its derivative products, was an exception since demand fell with the temporary shut-downs of hotels, restaurants and airports. At the same […]

GrandSur sustainable cocoa beans variety ccn51
Cocoa variety CCN-51

In the years 1870-1920, Ecuador was one of the first producers of cocoa, with the largest production quotas in the world. Unfortunately, there were no prevention policies for the control of Monilia, which in 1915 was known as “Frosty Pod” or “Quevedo’s Disease” and “Witches’ Broom” in 1916, destroying 70% of the country’s cocoa production, […]