Waste management in cocoa plantations

Defining a plan for waste management in general within the farm is necessary to reduce the impact on the environment, considering having specific and adequate places for the disposal of by-products or waste.

There are two types of waste:

Organic waste, which we can reuse for the elaboration of compost, natural herbicides, biols, etc.

Inorganic waste from agrochemical containers, which after use must be triple washed, perforated and never reused. These wastes should be deposited in a specific, properly marked and safe place. If there is no specific point, the agrochemical supplier should be consulted about the handling and disposal of the wastes.

Remember to only use agrochemicals that are permitted and registered with the governmental entity that authorizes their use in a safe and effective manner with recommended doses; those products that have expired or are in poor condition should not be used and should be returned to the same commercial company.

Climatic factors that affect cocoa production

The cocoa tree is a plant that needs shade for optimal fruit development. Among the many climatic requirements for an excellent harvest are temperature, water, wind, shade, soil, solar radiation, humidity, among others. The tolerance of cocoa to low temperatures is almost nil, with an average annual limit of 21ºC, and temperatures that are too […]

GrandSur – Las fuertes lluvias afectan al cacao
Do heavy rains affect cocoa?

Excess water and humidity can affect the production of #cacao, causing the flowers to fall and not fertilize. Likewise, heavy and abundant rainfall generates soil erosion when crops are located in areas with slopes, taking with them the necessary nutrients required by cocoa. Crop damage can be avoided by using a good drainage system, keeping […]

GrandSur Compost organic alternative for cocoa fertilization
Compost organic alternative for cocoa fertilization

If it is assumed that the cocoa plantation needs to be fertilized, a soil analysis should first be considered in order to identify nutrient deficiencies and to schedule the application of these nutrients Making compost to be used on productive soils. Materials such as dry plant residues can be used: rice chaff, corn stover; fresh […]