Water use in cocoa plantations

Water is the most precious and fundamental natural resource for the development of cocoa; Ecuador is a country privileged with this resource, since it has many sources of fresh water in some sectors where cocoa is produced, but there are other sectors that depend on rainwater storage and have been affected by prolonged periods of drought.

This pushes us to be more aware of the proper management of this resource, avoiding the contamination of river sources, reducing the use of shade species with high water consumption, etc.; protecting the water sources we help the conservation of the fauna and flora settled in the riverbeds of the same.

Grandsur Cocoa beans for export sustainable cocoa
Agricultural Sustainability in Cocoa Crops

In the Americas, the vision of sustainable cocoa is increasingly latent. Thousands of people are becoming aware of the origin of cocoa-derived products such as chocolate, looking at how it is produced and how it can affect the people involved in the production process. It is important to place in time the word Sustainability together […]

Cocoa contributes to cognitive function

Cocoa is a food rich in polyphenols that have positive effects on health, contributing to the body in the form of antioxidants, helping to prevent degenerative diseases. Studies indicate that continuous consumption of natural cocoa can help cognitive function in children and young adults. It also contains flavonoids, which aid in the absorption of vitamin […]

GrandSur sustainable cocoa beans variety ccn51
Cocoa variety CCN-51

In the years 1870-1920, Ecuador was one of the first producers of cocoa, with the largest production quotas in the world. Unfortunately, there were no prevention policies for the control of Monilia, which in 1915 was known as “Frosty Pod” or “Quevedo’s Disease” and “Witches’ Broom” in 1916, destroying 70% of the country’s cocoa production, […]